The Japan Association of College English Teachers


Last Updated: May 11th, 2024

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The 63rd JACET International Convention (Nagoya, 2024)

Dates:    August 28th (Wed.) – 30th (Fri.), 2024

Venue:   Aichi University, Nagoya Campus
4-60-6 Hiraike-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi JAPAN 453-8777

Theme:  Positioning ELT in Higher Education

English education at colleges/universities in Japan has developed significantly in response to strong social demands such as the expansion of globalization and the urgent need to cultivate global talent. Moreover, the emergence of technologies such as the Internet and smartphones, especially large language model-based artificial intelligence (AI), has radically changed students’ and teachers’ learning and teaching environments. On the other hand, when focusing on the internal aspects of English education, it has been transformed by incorporating insights from various fields of study, including linguistics and pedagogy as well as psychology and engineering. In addition, English for specific purposes has increasingly progressed through collaboration with other disciplines such as medicine, pharmacy, and tourism.

As a result, English education, which has continuously evolved while accepting the influence of society and industry, currently occupies a unique position in higher education. Under the umbrella of English education, there is considerable diversification in terms of objectives and desired directions. In an era of unpredictable VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), it is crucial to rethink what English education should be and what it should be to remain a constant presence. In this convention, under the theme “Positioning ELT in Higher Education,” we aim to reconfirm the past purposes of English education and engage in discussions from various perspectives on the new purposes and positioning of English education in the VUCA era.


日 程:    2024年8月28日(水)・29日(木)・30日(金)

会 場:    愛知大学名古屋キャンパス
〒453-8777 愛知県名古屋市中村区平池町4-60-6

テーマ:    高等教育における英語教育の立ち位置を考える

主 旨:



Plenary Lecture

Professor Heath Rose (University of Oxford)

The evolving role of English language teaching for English taught programs

The function of English language teaching within English Medium Instruction (EMI) university programs can differ significantly based on educational policy goals of individual universities. This can create disparities in the way that university English teachers address the language and educational needs of their students. My presentation explores research at the intersection of EMI and student language requirements to succeed in English taught courses. This research underscores the crucial roles of English for Academic Purposes and English for Specific Purposes in providing targeted linguistic support to EMI students through academic literacy and the mastery of specific disciplinary genres. I discuss methods to enhance the effectiveness of English preparatory or in-sessional courses to optimally aid EMI students in achieving their educational goals. I draw on research at two universities in Japan specifically, and compare this with other research I have conducted in China and Turkey. Findings indicate a need for increased cooperation between English language specialists and subject lecturers to ensure appropriate academic literacy development for students. Fundamentally, I contend that universities implementing EMI must consider their distinct institutional traits to make English language teaching a focal point in their organizational and curriculum policies. Failing to do so could disadvantage their students.


Heath Rose is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. He is the coordinator of the English Medium Instruction Research Group and runs the wider EMI Oxford Research Network. Before moving into academia, Heath spent 11 years teaching in Japan in variety of settings, including Rikkyo University and Kanda University of International Studies. Heath’s research interests are situated within the field of language teaching and language learning, with a specific focus on the pedagogical implications of the use of English a global and academic lingua franca. His main area of interest in EMI research is on improving students’ learning outcomes, particularly exploring the effects of English support in EMI, and the language needs of students learning in EMI settings. He has published books on Global Englishes, research methods, and data collection. He is series co-editor of Cambridge Elements in Language Teaching.

Joo-Kyung Park, Ph.D. (President, AsiaTEFL     Honam University, S. Korea, Retired)

ELT in Higher Education in Asia: Trends, Challenges, and Innovations

This presentation explores the diverse and dynamic landscape of English Language Teaching (ELT) in higher education across Asia, highlighting key trends, challenges, and innovations that are shaping the field. With English serving as a global lingua franca, its integration into Asian higher education systems is crucial for equipping students with the competencies necessary for global participation. Based on the literature review and the results of a survey conducted with ten AsiaTEFL Regional Representatives, first, the major characteristics and varied approaches to ELT across Asian universities will be outlined, including mandatory English courses, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and English Medium Instruction (EMI). Second, significant challenges that complicate the implementation of effective ELT programs will be identified such as diverse student proficiency levels, the need for qualified teaching personnel, and different stakeholders’ perceptions of English and English speakers. Innovations in ELT in higher education will be also discussed, focusing on the integration of technology. The session concludes by emphasizing the importance of adaptive strategies in ELT, advocating for assessments that better reflect real-world language use, and calling for global collaborations and partnerships that enrich ELT practices and better prepare students for the demands of a globalized world.

Keywords: ELT, higher education, Asia, CLIL, EMI, technological integration, professional development, collaborations, global partnerships


Dr. Joo-Kyung Park has recently transitioned to freelancing after retiring from the Department of English at Honam University, Gwangju, South Korea. Her research interests include teacher education, critical pedagogy, English as a lingua franca, intercultural communication, and more recently, the well-being of teachers and retirees. She has been frequently invited to deliver keynote, plenary and featured talks at ELT conferences, both domestically and internationally. She has served as the journal editor-in-chief for Korea TESOL and the Global English Teachers’ Association, and as an editorial board member of numerous journals in Korea and abroad. She is former president of Korea TESOL (1996–1997) and the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK; 2015–2016). Currently, she serves as co-president of the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (AsiaTEFL) (2022-2024).









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