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The year 2020 was a year in which society was forced to undergo major changes, but it was also the beginning of a major transformation in English education. A new course of study has been introduced in elementary schools, and foreign language courses have begun. In the following years, 2021 and 2022, new curriculum guidelines are being introduced for junior high schools and high schools. The time is approaching when students who have studied English under these new curricula will be entering universities.
JACET held the 3rd Joint Seminar (the 47th Summer Seminar and the 8th English Education Seminar) and the 48th Summer Seminar focusing on ‘teaching materials.’ The necessity of conceptualizing materials for students was presented.
JACET is pleased to announce the 9th English Education Seminar, which will be a summary of the theme ‘teaching materials.’ Therefore, in this seminar, under the continuing theme of “Changing Times, Changing Instruction, Changing Materials: How Should We Respond?”, we focus on ICT and DX from the perspective of tasks and teaching materials in the Corona / post Corona period, regarding the prospects for new English education. We invite leading teachers in Japan for learning and discussion about approaches to teaching materials.