The JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention (Online, 2021)
Dates: August 27th (Fri.)—August 29th (Sun.), 2021
Venue: Online
Theme: English Language Education to Endure Changing Times: Facing the Reality of Society 5.0
In this time of unprecedented change, we would like our convention to take a fresh look at the reality of university education where the educational space of the “classroom” cannot be shared. In cooperation with other academic societies, and with other countries in Asia and elsewhere, we want the convention to be a place to think afresh about what an optimal English education might be within such an environment, about the kind of English education we should aim for and, indeed, about the role academic societies such as ours ought to truly play in this.
With this 60th convention, JACET marks a turning point. The next decade, however, will most likely be very different from the previous 10-20 years. Whether it will witness great leaps forward or be a period of turmoil and stagnation, depends very much on how we work through this turning point. As we are asked to make changes in teaching materials, teaching, and learning methods, curriculum and assessment, and communication methods, we must ascertain what must change, what will not change, and what should not change. While assessing our past activities, we hope this convention will provide an opportunity to search for a new English language education that will help us weather the next decade. For these reasons we announce the convention theme – “English Language Education to Endure Changing Times: Facing the Reality of Society 5.0”.
Inquiries: Special Committee for JACET 60th Anniversary Commemoration Week
TEL: 03-3268-9686
テーマ:時代の変化を乗り越える英語教育─Society 5.0という現実を迎えて
JACETは、今大会で60回目の節目を迎えるが、次の10年はこれまでの10年、20年とは大きく異なる時代になるであろう。次の10年が大きな飛躍の時代となるか、それとも混乱と低迷の時代となるかは、まさにこの節目をどう乗り切るかにかかっている。教材、指導法や学習法、カリキュラムや評価、コミュニケーションの方法など、ありとあらゆる面での変化が求められている中、変わらなければならないものと変わらないもの、変わってはならないものを見極め、これまでの総括を行いつつ、次の10年を乗り切るための新たな英語教育の姿を模索する大会となることを願い、「時代の変化を乗り越える英語教育─Society 5.0という現実を迎えて」という大会テーマを掲げることとする。
TEL: 03-3268-9686