1. Affiliate Symposium: New Forms of International Academic Collaboration: Prospects and Possibilities for ELT in Asia
Coordinator: Tomokazu Ishikawa (Tamagawa University)
Kyungja Ahn (Seoul National University of Education, ALAK)
Sun Youzhong (Beijing Foreign Studies University, CELEA)
Yulin Chen (Yuan Ze University, ETA-ROC)
Masao Aikawa (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, JACET)
Dawn Lucovich (The University of Nagano, JALT)
Jongbai Hwang (Konkuk University, KATE)
Ramesh Nair (Universiti Teknologi MARA, MELTA)
Singhanat Nomnian (Mahidol University, Thailand TESOL)
What forms of international academic collaboration are possible for JACET affiliates to develop across borders? We have been discussing this issue for a long time annually at the business meeting among JACET affiliates. As one of the events at the 60th commemorative convention, we would like to make this opportunity open to the public for the first time.
JACET is affiliated with seven overseas associations, ALAK, KATE, CELEA, ETA-ROC, MELTA, RELC, Thailand TESOL and one domestic association, JALT. Every year, we exchange a delegate presenter and give an individual paper-presentation, which doesn’t involve regular members actively and deeply. Some collaboration has been implemented for the last couple of years. For example, we have exchanged a journal reviewer between MELTA & RELC and JACET. What else could we do to connect our regular members to our affiliates’ members?
At this symposium, the presidents from each JACET affiliate will give us a brief introduction of each association and present some proposals for possible collaboration among us. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we have realized that we are able to have a meeting without flying overseas. Possible ideas might be something we could do via online synchronous tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams such as having an online SIG (Special Interest Groups) meeting, which could lead to publishing SIG journals. Creative proposals for new forms of international academic collaboration will be encouraged at the symposium.
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ALAK | Kyungja Ahn is a professor in English Education Department at Seoul National University of Education in South Korea. She received her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include second language teacher education, second language learning and teaching, second language writing, and language planning and educational policy. | |
CELEA | Professor Sun Youzhong is Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University, and serves as the President of China English Language Education Association, President of the China Association for Intercultural Communication, Director of the MOE Steering Committee for Undergraduate Programs in Foreign Languages and Literatures, Editor-in-Chief of Global Forum, Editor-in-Chief of Intercultural Studies Forum, respectively. His research interests span foreign language education, intercultural communication, media studies, American studies and Australian studies. He is the chief editor of Think English, a textbook series for college English majors. | |
ETA-ROC | Yulin Chen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics of Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. Her research interests include Educational Technology and Second Language Acquisition. | |
JACET | Masao Aikawa is currently a Professor at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. He obtained his Ph.D. at Kobe University, Japan. His research interests include TESOL, foreign language education policy in Asia, and teacher training. He has been in charge of international and domestic affiliations with JACET since 2004. | |
JALT | Dawn Lucovich is President of The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) and an Assistant Professor at The University of Nagano. Her research interests include assessment, discourse communities, linguistic landscapes, and leadership skill formation. | |
KATE | Jongbai Hwang is a professor in the Department of English Education at Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. He received his Ph.D. in applied linguistics from the University of Oregon. His main area of research is second language acquisition, especially, the role of awareness in the L2 acquisition of English grammar structures. Recently, he has been also interested in morphological and syntactic processing of L2 learners. He has served as editor-in-chief of the journal English Teaching (2010-2012) and Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics (2018-present), and as the managing editor of the Journal of Asia TEFL (2017-present). | |
MELTA | Ramesh Nair taught English in Malaysian public schools before joining the Academy of Language Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA where he is an associate professor. His participation in the Malaysian English Language Teaching Association over many years and his current role as the association’s president keeps him interested in ELT matters, particularly language policy and teacher identity. | |
RELC | Susan Leong is the Centre Director of SEAMEO RELC. She holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Harvard University and has worked in various positions in the area of education, including 18 years as a school principal in 4 different schools and as Deputy Director, Planning, in the Education Policy and International Relations Branch, in the Ministry of Education, Singapore. | |
TESOL | Dr Singhanat Nomnian is Associate Professor of English and teaches in the MA program in Language and Intercultural Communication (Language Teaching Major) at Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, Thailand. He is also the President of Thailand TESOL and editor-in-chief of THAITESOL Journal. His research interests include English language learning and teaching with regard to language, culture, and society. He can be reached at snomnian@hotmail.com. | |
JACET | Tomokazu Ishikawa is an Assistant Professor at Tamagawa University’s Center for English as a Lingua Franca, Tokyo, Japan and a postdoctoral member at the University of Southampton’s Centre for Global Englishes, UK. He is a co-author of the forthcoming book Transcultural communication through Global Englishes (with Will Baker, Routledge). | |
1. 提携学会シンポジウム: New Forms of International Academic Collaboration: Prospects and Possibilities for ELT in Asia
2. JAAL in JACET Symposium: A New Applied Linguistics that Transcends the Boundaries of Language and Discipline: Toward the Future of Applied Linguistics Research in Japan
Toshiyuki Kanamaru (Kyoto University)
Panelists: Masaki Oda (Tamagawa University)
Kazumi Sakai (Keio University)
Shigenori Wakabayashi (Chuo University)
2. JAAL in JACETシンポジウム:言語と分野の垣根を越える新たな応用言語学―日本における応用言語学研究の将来に向けて―
コーディネーター:金丸 敏幸(京都大学)
小田 眞幸(玉川大学)
境 一三(慶應義塾大学)
若林 茂則(中央大学)
JACETは小池生夫名誉会長の尽力によって、1984年8月からAILA(Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée、英語名International Association of Applied Linguistics)における日本の提携学会(Affiliate Association)となっている。2018年12月1日に約30年ぶりとなる「JAAL-in-JACET学術交流集会」が復活し、これを嚆矢としてこれまでJACETでは英語教育学と応用言語学についての様々な企画を行ってきた。2019年に開催された大学英語教育学会(JACET)第58回国際大会(名古屋、2019)の全体シンポジウムでは、これからの応用言語学のあり方について議論が行われ、応用言語学が「英語」と「教育」から脱却する必要があるという指摘がなされた。これは裏を返せば、応用言語学の対象となる言語が英語に集中していたということ、また言語学の知見が活かされる先が言語教育に限られてきたことを意味する。すなわち、「応用言語学=英語教育」という認識は未だ強固なのである。今回、第60回記念国際大会(オンライン、2021)での「JAAL in JACETシンポジウム」では、これまでの日本における応用言語学の経緯と現状を踏まえ、新しい応用言語学のあり方について議論する。応用言語学が、「英語教育」から「言語教育」へ、さらに「言語教育」を越えて「言語の理解を通じた人間社会への貢献」を果たすためには何が必要かを考えていく場としたい。そのために鍵となる概念が、言語や分野の垣根を越えた視点をもたらすTranslingual(言語横断)とTransdisciplinary(分野横断)である。本シンポジウムでは、JACETから小田 眞幸氏(玉川大学)が参加し、英語以外の言語を対象とした言語教育研究の立場から境 一三氏(慶應義塾大学)を、教育とは異なる第二言語習得研究の立場から若林 茂則氏(中央大学)をそれぞれお招きし、これまでの応用言語学の問題点と新しい応用言語学に必要とされる視点について検討する。さらに、応用言語学の解決すべき問題を「言語とコミュニケーション」と捉え直し、言語学のみに囚われない新たな応用言語学の可能性について広く意見を交わし、新たな研究連携の可能性や研究領域の創造に向けた提言を目指す。
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Masaki Oda is JACET’s 9th President. He is Professor of Applied Linguistics and the Dean of College and Graduate School of Humanities at Tamagawa University. His academic interests include socio-political aspects of language teaching and the relationship between language teaching and media discourse. He has a Ph.D. from Georgetown University. | |
Kazumi Sakai is a professor of German as a foreign language at Keio university. He studied German language and literature, philosophy and history of arts in Tokyo, Münster and Berlin. His research interests include plurilingualism, language policy and educational technology. He has been working as a German teacher trainer for more than 20 years | |
Shigenori Wakabayashi is a professor of applied linguistics at Chuo University. He holds a Ph.D. in English and Applied Linguistics from University of Cambridge. His academic interest lies in modelling learner grammars, their acquisition and use. He is also active in promoting educational projects based on collaboration among teachers and schools in Asia. | |
Toshiyuki Kanamaru is an associate professor in the International Academic Research and Resource Center for Language Education at Kyoto University. He holds a Ph.D. in Human and Environmental Studies, from Kyoto University. His research interests include teaching English for Academic Purposes with information communication technology and natural language processing. | |
3. AILA East Asia Symposium: The Role of Languages in the Internationalization of Higher Education
Coordinator: Chitose Asaoka (Dokkyo University)
Azirah Hashim (University of Malaya, AILA)
Eunsook Shim (Sangji University, ALAK)
Zhang Xin (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, CELEA)
Naoko Ozeki (Meiji University, JAAL in JACET)
The outbreak of COVID-19 has posed a major challenge to higher education institutions across the globe, ranging from the cancelation of in-person classes and the shift to remote education to the decrease in international mobility of students, academics and scholars. Despite differences in the degree and scale of its impact across regions, it is certainly likely that the pandemic will change the role of language teaching and learning as well as the future of internationalization of higher education institutions.
Therefore, in this symposium, panelists will first reflect on the latest changes and challenges regarding the impacts of COVID-19 on universities in each region and explore future directions of language teaching and learning considering the role of languages. Then they will discuss how local affiliates of AILA in East Asia, ALAK, CELEA and JAAL in JACET, can collaborate addressing both the immediate and long-term challenges associated with the outbreak and what they can do to turn these unprecedented challenges into opportunities to develop the higher education in East Asia.
Keeping up to date with key changes and trends in higher education and predictions about what the future holds will help us create more successful strategies that will make the role of languages in higher education become more relevant in the post COVID-19 world.
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AILA | Azirah Hashim is Professor in the English Language Department, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. Her research interests include Language contact in Southeast Asia, English in ASEAN, and Higher Education in ASEAN. Some of her publications include English in Southeast Asia and ASEAN: Transformation of Language Habitats, Routledge co-authored with Gerhard Leitner (2020); Communicating with Asia: the Future of English as a Global Language, Cambridge University Press co-edited with Gerhard Leitner and Hans-Georg Wolf (2016) and articles in English Today, Higher Education Quarterly, Discourse Studies and Multilingua. Azirah is Vice-President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). | |
ALAK | Eunsook Shim is a professor in the department of English at Sangji University, Korea. Her research interests include genre-based L2 writing instruction, genre analysis, and intercultural rhetoric in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) education. | |
CELEA | Xin ZHANG, professor of English, is Dean of Faculty of English Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China. She is also one of the vice presidents of China English Language Education Association. Her research interests include comparative drama studies, ethical literary criticism, comparative culture studies and education of English language and cultures. | |
JACET | Dr. Naoko Ozeki is a professor and a member of the board of trustees of Meiji University. Her areas of interest are ELT, speaking production, learners’ autonomy, and CEFR. She makes an effort in order to foster would-be researchers and educators at the graduate school of Meiji University. | |
JACET | Chitose Asaoka is a professor in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Dokkyo University. She holds a Ph.D. in education from Institute of Education, University College London. Her research interests include teacher education and teacher autonomy. | |
3. AILA East Asiaシンポジウム:The Role of Languages in the Internationalization of Higher Education
4. JACET Symposium (I) – Past: Lessons from JACET History (in Japanese)
Coordinator: Hajime Terauchi (Takachiho University)
Ikuo Koike (Prof. Emeritus, Keio University)
Judy Noguchi (Prof. Emerita, Kobe Gakuin University)
Yuji Ushiro (University of Tsukuba)
4. JACETシンポジウム(Ⅰ)過去:JACET温故知新
コーディネーター:寺内 一(高千穂大学、JACET特別顧問)
1962年11月、JACET(Japan Association of College English Teachers)は120人の大学英語教員の有志が集まって誕生した。その志は「本学会は英語教育および関連分野の理論と実践に関する研究を行い、大学における英語教育の改善と進歩、発展に寄与することを目的とする」である。その後、JACETは、会員数が1998年には3,003人を超え、活動も本部(東京)だけでなく、7支部(1972年関西、1981年東北、1983年中部、1984年中国四国、九州・沖縄、1986年北海道、2006年関東)を持つ全国組織となった。海外への活動に目を向けると、1984年にJACETはAILA(国際応用言語学会)の日本における下部組織として承認されたことを契機にして応用言語学の研究活動を推進し、1999年に国際応用言語学会世界大会に早稲田大学で開催した。そして、海外の言語教育学会との提携をさらに進め、2021年現在の提携学会は以下の通りである(AILA, ALAK, CELEA, ETA-ROC, KATE, MELTA, PKETA, RELC, and Thailand TESOL, JALT(国内))。また、先述の世界大会を契機に学会としての大きな柱となる研究会活動が始まったのである。今では48の研究会が活動を行っている。設立以来60周年を迎えるにあたり、小池生夫名誉会長(慶應義塾大学・明海大学名誉教授)がその設立から国内外の発展していくJACETの状況を、野口ジュディー元副会長・関西支部長(神戸学院大学名誉教授)は支部活動と研究会活動を、卯城祐司元全国英語教育学会会長(筑波大学教授)には同じ英語教育系の学術団体の長として、JACETの60年に外部のご意見をいただく。その後、JACETの次の60年に向けて行うべきミッションをひとりずついただき、将来に向けての提言を行うこととする。
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Dr. Ikuo Koike, professor emeritus of Keio University and Meikai University, was the fourth president of JACET, vice president of AILA, chair of the 1999 AILA World Congress, vice president of Asia TEFL, former chairman of the board of directors of ELEC and others. He is an honorary president of JACET, an honorary member of AILA and a lifetime honorary adviser of Asia TEFL. He holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from Georgetown University. | |
Dr. Judy Noguchi, Professor Emerita of Kobe Gakuin University, has been involved in English for specific purposes (ESP), a genre-based approach to language study, from the start of her teaching career. B.S. and B.A. (Chemistry), University of Hawaii; M.Ed. (TESL), Temple University (US); Ph.D. (Applied Linguistics), University of Birmingham (UK). | |
Dr. Yuji Ushiro is a professor of the University of Tsukuba. He is a former President of the Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE), the Japan Association of English Teaching in Elementary Schools (JES), and the Kantokoshinetsu Association of Teachers of English (KATE). B.A. (Hokkaido University of Education in Asahikawa), M.A. and Ph.D. (University of Tsukuba) | |
Dr. Hajime Terauchi, Professor of English language Education and President of Takachiho University in Tokyo, and Special Adviser to the JACET. He has a B. A. in Civil Law from Keio University and a M. A. and Ph.D. in English Language Teaching from the University of Warwick (UK). | |
5. JACET Symposium (II) – Present: Points of Collaboration for Industry, Government and Schools (in Japanese)
Coordinator: Hisashi Naito (Hokkai-Gakuen University)
Matsuo Kimura (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Yoshihiro Takizawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education)
Yoshihiko Taira (Eiken Foundation of Japan)
5. JACETシンポジウム(Ⅱ)現在:産官学連携の核心
コーディネーター:内藤 永(北海学園大学)
木村 松雄(青山学院大学)
瀧沢 佳宏(東京都教育庁)
平 慶彦(公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会)
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Matsuo Kimura is a Professor of English and ELT, Undergraduate Department Graduate School of English, Aoyama Gakuin University. He is also the Director of the Aoyama Gakuin Research Center for English Language Teaching. His research interests include teaching methodology of English and language policy. | |
Yoshihiro Takizawa is a Senior Director of Guidance Promotion Division, Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education. He is also an Adjunct Researcher of Comprehensive Research Organization, Waseda University. His research interests include English education and public administration. | |
Yoshihiko Taira is an assistant Division Manager, at Customer Service Division, Eiken Foundation of Japan, with responsibility for marketing mainly EIKEN, Eiken Jr., TEAP, and IELTS in order to contribute to the acquisition and popularization of practical English necessary for daily life. | |
Hisashi Naito is a professor at the Faculty of Business Administration, Hokkai-Gakuen University. He is a board member of the JACET and the president of the ESP Hokkaido chapter. His research interests include business communication, genre analysis and computer assisted language learning. He has publications in the area of ESP and EMP. | |
6. JACET Symposium (III) – Future: Prospects of Technology for English Education (in Japanese)
Coordinator: Yukinari Shimoyama (Toyo Gakuen University)
Tukasa Yamanaka (Ritsumeikan University)
Masanori Nakahara (Cisco Systems G.K.)
Chiaki Iwasaki (Kansai University)
6. JACETシンポジウム(Ⅲ)未来:テクノロジーから見た英語教育の展望
コーディネーター:下山 幸成(東洋学園大学)
山中 司(立命館大学)
中原 正徳(シスコシステムズ合同会社)
岩﨑 千晶(関西大学)
2020年度はコロナ禍の影響もあり、高等教育の現場に本格的な遠隔授業の導入が始まった年となった。2020年12月5日に開催された第3回JAAL in JACET(日本応用言語学会)学術交流集会・研究促進企画シンポジウムでは「遠隔元年―『繋ぐ』」と題したシンポジウムを行い、ネットワークと教育工学・授業デザインの専門家を招き、産学の広い観点からこの遠隔教育を振り返り、その課題について議論した。その議論を受けて、2021年1月からはマンスリー研究会「繋ぐ」を開催し、新たな視点で英語教育のあり方について幅広い議論を行っている。現状では、英語教育に携わる教員は多様化しており、専門教員との連携、アウトソーシングとどのように向き合うか、教室内のデジタル化は加速する中で学習者の動機付けをどのように図るか、自律した学習者をどのように育成するか、また、その言語活動やタスクをどのように定めていくのか、などのように課題は多岐に渡る。また、グローバル化が進む中で、多様な背景を持つ人たちとどのように議論し、協働していくのか、言語そのもののスキル以上のメタ知識が不可欠な状況である。本シンポジウムでは、そのマンスリー研究会での成果を発表するとともに、テクノロジーの発達によりデジタル化が加速する中、大学英語教員のアイデンティティを問いつつ、その置かれている立場や状況を俯瞰し、クラスルームのあり方、言語活動の意義、また、根源的な問いとして言語教育とは何かの議論を行う。そして、JAAL in JACETで登壇いただいたネットワークと教育工学・授業デザインの専門家に再び登壇いただき、コメントをいただく中で未来の英語教育を展望する。
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Dr. Tsukasa Yamanaka is a Professor in the College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University. Since 2008, he has been with the College, where he has been in charge of the college’s English education program. His current interests include learner autonomy, pragmatism in language philosophy, and language education policy in Japan. | |
Masanori Nakahara is a Lead Technical Engineer at Cisco Systems G.K. who studied in BS Computer Science in Japan and MBA in California State University in Hayward. He is a certified Stanford PM, PMP, CSM, National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter, and also one of the "Business Cats" co-authors. | |
Chiaki Iwasaki is an associate professor of Division for Promotion of Educational Development, Kansai University. Her research interests include educational technology, designing learning environment, e-learning, curriculum design, peer and tutor instruction in higher education. She has publications in the area of active learning and learning design in higher education. | |
Yukinari Shimoyama is Professor of English Education at Toyo Gakuen University. His research interests include flipped learning with various kinds of ICTs, language learning, and learner development and autonomy. He has conducted classes in tertiary education focusing on learner-centered collaborative and active learning and peer evaluation for over 10 years. | |