The JACET International Convention Proceedings:
The JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention
2021.05.17. updated. Submission deadline extended! -> June 14th (Mon.), 2021
The JACET International Convention Proceedings (the Proceedings) is the collection of manuscripts about oral presentations which are going to be given at the JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention (Online, 2021). The manuscripts are not going to be peer-reviewed.
Submission Form Open: Thursday, April 1, 2021
Submission Deadline: Monday, June 14, 2021 (11:59 PM Japan Standard Time)*
*If a presenter cannot meet this revised deadline, their manuscript(s) will not be published in the Proceedings. In this case, only the abstract of the presentation(s) will be included.
2021.05.17. updated. 提出締切を延長致しました! -> 2021年6月14日(月)
The JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention (Online, 2021) では、大会における口頭発表の内容をまとめた予稿集『The JACET International Convention Proceedings: The JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention』を発行します。原稿の査読はありません。
提出開始日: 2021年4月1日(木)
提出締切日: 2021年6月14日(月)23時59分59秒(日本時間)
Submission form(投稿フォーム)
Please click the following button and submit your manuscript.